Nelson Wiseman, Associate Professor,
University of Toronto
Wiseman’s has extensively researched the history of the Manitoba
CCF- NDP, examined state-owned enterprises in Canada, and has created
a broad interpretative framework for the history of social democracy
in Canada. He is also very well known for his research on Canadian political
culture that explains the reasons for the success of social democracy
in some Canadian provinces and the failure of social democratic parties
in other provinces. He is currently an Associate Professor of Political
Science at the University of Toronto. He did his B.A at the University
of Manitoba and completed his Masters’ and Ph.D. at the University
of Toronto. He specializes in Canadian government, political parties
and leaders, and provincial politics as well as frequently providing
political commentary for several media outlets.
Bibliography of Dr. Wiseman’s Research on Social Democracy
Nelson Wiseman and K.W. Taylor, "Ethnic vs. Class Voting: The
Case of Winnipeg, 1945", Canadian Journal of Political Science,
vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 314-328, June 1974.
K. W. Taylor and Nelson Wiseman, "Class and Ethnic Voting in Winnipeg:
The Case of 1941", Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology,
vol. l4, no. 2, pp. 174-187, May l977.
Nelson Wiseman and K. W. Taylor, "Class and Ethnic Voting in Winnipeg
during the Cold War”, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology,
vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 60-76, February 1979.
Nelson Wiseman, "The Character and Strategy of the Manitoba CCF,
1943-1959", Prairie Forum, vol. 14, no. 11, pp. 27-53,
Spring 1979.
Nelson Wiseman, "The Pattern of Prairie Politics", Queen's
Quarterly, vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 298-315, Summer 1981.
Nelson Wiseman. "An Historical Note on Religion and Parties on
the Prairies", Journal of Canadian Studies, vol. 16, no.
2, pp. 109-112, Summer 1981.
Nelson Wiseman and K. W. Taylor, "Voting in Winnipeg During the
Depression", Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology,
vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 215-236, May 1982.
Wiseman, Nelson. 1985. Social Democracy in Manitoba: A History
of the CCF-NDP. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press.
Nelson Wiseman, "From Jail Cell to the Crown: Social Democratic
Leadership in Manitoba," pp. 147-169, in R. Kenneth Carty, Lynda
Erickson, and Donald E. Blake, eds., Leaders and Parties in Canadian
Politics: Experiences of the Provinces (Toronto: HBJ Holt, 1992).
Nelson Wiseman, "The Direction of Public Enterprise in Canada",
Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, vol. 37, no. 2, pp.
72-88, July, 1999.
Nelson Wiseman. “Social Democracy in a Neo-Conservative Age:
The Politics of Manitoba and Saskatchewan”, pp. 217-239, in Hamish
Telford and Harvey Lazar, eds., Canada: The State of the Federation,
2001: Canadian Political Culture(s) in Transition (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s
University Press, 2001).
Nelson Wiseman. "Canadian Political Culture: Liberalism with a
Tory Streak," pp. 56-67, in Mark Charlton and Paul Barker, eds.,
Crosscurrents: Contemporary Political Issues, 4th ed. (Toronto:
Thomson Nelson, 2002).
Nelson Wiseman. “Provincial Political Cultures,” pp. 21-56,
in Christopher Dunn, ed., Provinces: Canadian Provincial Politics
2nd ed. (Peterborough: Broadview, 2006).
Nelson Wiseman. “Five Immigrant Waves: Their Ideological Orientations
and Their Partisan Reverberations”, Canadian Ethnic Studies,
vol. 39, nos.1-2, pp. 5-30, 2007.
Wiseman, Nelson and Benjamin Isitt. 2007. “Social Democracy in
Twentieth Century Canada: An Interpretive Framework.” Canadian
Journal of Political Science 40: 567-589.
Nelson Wiseman. In Search of Canadian Political Culture (Vancouver:
UBC Press, 2007).
Nelson Wiseman. “The Success of the New Democratic Party,”
pp. 73-95, in Paul G. Thomas and Curtis Brown, eds., Manitoba Politics
and Government: Issues, Institutions, Traditions (Winnipeg: University
of Manitoba Press, 2010).
Nelson Wiseman. “The Socialist Imprint on Saskatchewan Politics",
Nelson Wiseman. “The NDP Campaign: A Qualitative Assessment,”
forthcoming in Jared Wesley and Andrea Rounce, eds., Understanding
2011: The Manitoba Election.
Nelson Wiseman and Benjamin Isitt. “Early Socialism in Canada: International and Regional Impulses”, forthcoming, American Review of Canadian Studies.