Canadian Social Democracy Study


Byron Sheldrick, Associate Professor,
Department of Political Science, University of Guelph

Byron SheldrickByron Sheldrick’s research focuses on
i) the interplay between law and politics, and
ii) the political economy of welfare state restructuring. Within that context, his work examines social movement politics particularly as the affect social democratic governments in power. This includes an examination of the strategic choices social democratic parties, such as the NDP, make in both designing electoral appeals and also how they develop and implement new policy initiatives, particularly in the area of social policy. His research has examined the NDP at the provincial level, particularly in Ontario and Manitoba, but also the British Labour party.




Bibliography of Dr. Sheldrick’s Research on Social Democracy

Byron Sheldrick. “The Politics of Innoculation: The Manitoba NDP and the Third Way” in Bryan Evans and Charles Smith (editors). The End of Expansion? The political economy of Canadian Provinces and Territories in a neo-liberal era. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming.

Byron Sheldrick. “The British Labour Party: In Search of Identity Between Labour and Parliament” in Bryan Evans and Ingo Schmidt (eds). Social Democracy After the Cold War. (Edmonton: Athabasca University Press, 2012)

Byron Sheldrick. “The Manitoba Community Economic Development Lens: Local Participation and Democratic State Restructuring” in John Loxley, Jim Silver, and Kathleen Sexmith (eds) Doing Community Economic Development (Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2007) pp. 209-219.

Byron Sheldrick. “The Left in Canada” in Joan Grace and B. Sheldrick. Canadian Politics: Democracy and Dissent (Toronto: Pearson Education, 2006), pp. 300-320.

Byron Sheldrick. “New Labour and The Third Way: Democracy, Accountability and Social Democratic Politics” Studies in Political Economy 67 (2002), 133-144.

Byron Sheldrick. “The Contradictions of Welfare to Work: Social Security Reform in Britain” Studies in Political Economy, 62 (2000), 99-122.

Byron Sheldrick. Welfare Reform Under Ontario’s NDP: Social Democracy and Social Group Representa¬tion”, Studies in Political Economy. 55(1998), 37-63.




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